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Personal UAS Stories

To share your personal Ukulele Acquisition Syndrome stories, click  here.


A friend of mine climbed the three tallest mountain peaks in Alberta, Canada in less then in twenty-four hours. He played his uke at the top of each of them but I’m not planning on doing it again anytime soon. – J. Trudeau.


Ahhhhhhh! I too suffer from this affliction. By the way I just discovered a brand new Kala spruce/maple tenor cutaway travel uke at Nantel’s Music Store. It’s so incredibly cool! I want! I want! I’m weak! I’ll suffer the consequences later! There is no cure….seriously…you all need to look at this ukulele. I can always tell my wife it’s either this or the bagpipes. – D. Ronis


My name is Drizzelda and I’m a ukaholic. I’m on a 12 step program though. In other words, I’m well on my way to acquiring my 12th ukulele. – D. Wickelsnort


UAS – Ridiculous! People should have a little more self-control. I for example, have no desire to buy another ukulele. I have a beautiful Kamaka tenor and that’s enough for me. Still, a nice soprano ukulele wouldn’t be a bad thing…. – Matthew


Why couldn’t I have picked a less addictive hobby like cocaine! – Tina Zarnicky


I was spending too much time with ukulele related activities. My doctor recommended a two-week vacation by the ocean. I’m so glad that I took his advice. I vacationed at Ogunquit, Maine. On my 2nd day there, I saw a young man playing a Fender tenor uke on the beach. I bought the same ukulele on the day I returned home. – D. Noseworthy


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